Server farms and clustering are implemented to group servers, and Spanning-Tree Protocol allows for handling of redundant links in switched networks, but what about routers?
Today we'll look at three common redundancy protocols: HSRP, VRRP, and GLBP.
HSRP is one of the first redundancy protocols employed by the IOS. HSRP stands for Hot Standby Routing Protocol, and like what its name suggests, it allows routers to be "hot devices" (think of "hot sites") for each other and automatically come online once it detects that the active router is down. A virtual IP is used for each group, and a virtual MAC in the form of[groupID] is replied for ARPs. HSRP is Cisco proprietary.
VRRP is the Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol. It is the industry standard for redundancy between routers, featuring lower timers than the HSRP to ensure quicker detection of a failed active router.
GLBP is Cisco's response to the VRRP. GLBP stands for Gateway Load Balancing Protocol. GLBP allows for load balancing across all routers in the standby group. The concept works around a designated router known as the Active Virtual Gateway. All routers, including the gateway, are also known as Active Virtual Forwarders. Each AVF is assigned a forward number tied to a virtual MAC address which they are responsible for responding to. The AVG responds to ARP requests for the virtual IP with the virtual MAC of the AVFs in the group.
The same mechanism used in HSRP is applied if the active AVG goes down. If an AVF goes down, another AVF takes over and the AVG would stop redirecting it to the downed virtual MAC. There are two timers in an AVG, a redirect timer, and a secondary hold-down timer. The redirect timer is the time it takes for an AVG to decide to stop directing hosts to the downed AVF, and the secondary hold-down is the time it takes for the forward number to be freed for reassignment.
In all protocols, there are many ways to trigger a switch over. If the active forwarder becomes unreachable, the standby routers automatically take over. However, we can also set active routers to automatically trigger a switch over by tracking an object (such as a host), or an interface.
Today we'll look at all three protocols with this topology:
The network is split into two parts, the top network ( and the bottom network ( This is the addressing scheme used:
T1 - f0/0 -
L1 - f0/0 -
R1 - f0/0 -
B1 - f0/0 -
L1 - f0/1 -
R1 - f0/2 -
Assume that we want the virtual IP to be for Top, and for Bottom, we'll first configure HSRP.
On L1, add its f0/0 interface into group 0 of HSRP like this:
in f0/0
standby 0 ip
Similarly, on R1, add its f0/0 interface into group 0:
in f0/0
standby 0 ip
That is the complete configuration for a basic HSRP topology. Right now, pinging will yield a response. To see who you're really connecting to, simply attempt to telnet in. To simulate a failure, simply administratively shut down the Top interface of the active router. Note the time it takes for the router to recognize the downed peer.
To verify HSRP operation, we can use:
show standby
Now, we'll attempt to change our protocol to VRRP. To do this, we'll type this on both the routers:
no standby 0 ip
Then we'll enable VRRP on both routers through:
vrrp 1 ip
Test for failure again and you'll realize that the routers recognize the downed peer much quicker. Verification information can be obtained through:
show vrrp
Now we'll switch over to GLBP. Disable VRRP, then enable GLBP using:
glbp 0 ip
The first thing I want you to type when the network converges is:
show glbp
On L1 you should see something similar to this:
FastEthernet0/0 - Group 0 State is Active 2 state changes, last state change 00:06:33 Virtual IP address is Hello time 3 sec, hold time 10 sec Next hello sent in 2.104 secs Redirect time 600 sec, forwarder timeout 14400 sec Preemption disabled Active is local Standby is, priority 100 (expires in 7.128 sec) Priority 100 (default) Weighting 100 (default 100), thresholds: lower 1, upper 100 Load balancing: round-robin Group members: c202.0410.0000 ( local c203.0410.0000 ( There are 2 forwarders (1 active) Forwarder 1 State is Active 1 state change, last state change 00:06:23 MAC address is 0007.b400.0001 (default) Owner ID is c202.0410.0000 Redirection enabled Preemption enabled, min delay 30 sec Active is local, weighting 100 Forwarder 2 State is Listen MAC address is 0007.b400.0002 (learnt) Owner ID is c203.0410.0000 Redirection enabled, 599.568 sec remaining (maximum 600 sec) Time to live: 14399.568 sec (maximum 14400 sec) Preemption enabled, min delay 30 sec Active is (primary), weighting 100 (expires in 9.564 sec)
At the top, there is FastEthernet 0/0 - Group 0 followed by "State is Active". This state refers to the AVG state. If the router is active, then it means that it is the AVG. On the other hand, if it says Listen, then that router is a standby AVG.
At the bottom, two forwarders are listed. This is the list of all forwarders on the list. At this point, my router is the forwarder for Forwarder 1 (it responds to the first MAC) while it listens for the status of Forwarder 2.
Telnet into from T1, disconnect, and attempt to "show arp". You should see:
Protocol Address Age (min) Hardware Addr Type Interface Internet - c200.0410.0000 ARPA FastEthernet0/0 Internet 3 0007.b400.0001 ARPA FastEthernet0/0 Internet 4 c202.0410.0000 ARPA FastEthernet0/0 Internet 4 c203.0410.0000 ARPA FastEthernet0/0
Note that now is associated to the MAC of forwarder 1, which is for L1. Now, shut L1 down and attempt to telnet back. At this point, L1 should not be able to respond for Forwarder 1's MAC, so it should not go through, right?
Miraculously, it does! R1 actually responds to Forwarder 1! Now, disconnect and attempt to "show arp", you should see:
Protocol Address Age (min) Hardware Addr Type Interface Internet - c200.0410.0000 ARPA FastEthernet0/0 Internet 3 0007.b400.0001 ARPA FastEthernet0/0 Internet 4 c202.0410.0000 ARPA FastEthernet0/0 Internet 4 c203.0410.0000 ARPA FastEthernet0/0
The MAC associated to hasn't changed! This is evident that R1 has actually taken over the Forwarder of L1! To verify, type "show glbp" and you should see:
There are 2 forwarders (2 active) Forwarder 1 State is Active 3 state changes, last state change 00:00:04 MAC address is 0007.b400.0001 (learnt) Owner ID is c202.0410.0000 Redirection enabled, 585.960 sec remaining (maximum 600 sec) Time to live: 14385.956 sec (maximum 14400 sec) Preemption enabled, min delay 30 sec Active is local, weighting 100 Forwarder 2 State is Active 1 state change, last state change 00:23:12 MAC address is 0007.b400.0002 (default) Owner ID is c203.0410.0000 Redirection enabled Preemption enabled, min delay 30 sec Active is local, weighting 100
R1 is now in charge of both forwarder 1 and 2! Now, notice the line that says "Load balancing: round-robin". This is the load-balancing policy, which simply makes to take turns. There is a weighted option which can be configured with:
glbp 0 load-balancing weighted
What this does is that it allows routers to be assigned a weight value. If L1 has a weight of 2 and R1 has a weight of 1, then L1 will receive 2 clients for every 1 client R1 receives. The weight can be configured using:
glbp 0 weight 2
Now we'll talk about priority and preempt. Notice that after your L1 came up, only the Forwarder was returned to it. The AVG is still R1. This is because by default routers have preempt set for AVFs, and no preempt set for AVGs. Preempt simply means that if the router comes back online, should the rights be given back to it. To enable preemption for AVG on L1, simply type:
glbp 0 preempt
Priority determines the next router that would be the standby for the active. The higher the priority number, the more likely it is to become the next active router when the current active goes down. Priority also determines if a router can be preempted. If a router has the priority of 150, and a router with the priority of 100 attempts to preempt, it will not succeed. The default priority is 100. The priority can be set using:
glbp 0 priority 150
The weight, in addition to load-balancing, can be used to determine if the router still serves as a AVF or not. The weight parameter allows you to set upper and lower thresholds. If you specify the lower threshold, then the router will be taken offline when its weight is at that threshold. If you also specify the upper threshold, then the router will not resume it role until it is higher than that amount. This is similar in operation to a schmitt trigger. Right now we'll use a simple system that specifies 1 = Offline, 2 = Online:
glbp 0 weighting 2 lower 1 upper 2
Now we'll need to specify an object to track. We'll track f0/1 (the other side's interface):
track 1 interface FastEthernet0/1 ip routing
Go back into the interface. From there, we'll enable tracking to specify that if track object 1 is down, the weight should be decremented by 1, effectively disallowing the router to be an AVF:
glbp 0 weighting track 1 decrement 1
On HSRP and VRRP, this can be done by using:
standby 0 track 1 dec 100
vrrp 1 track 1 dec 100