Signal-to-Noise Ratio is a measurement of how much of a given piece of information is correct, and how much of it is simply noise. For a typical picture, the SNR is actually extremely high, which means that most of the information is correct.
Noise, like most physical phenomena, is Normally Distributed. In case of a picture, for each pixel, the accuracy of the color representation is normally distributed between 3 axes, the Red, Green and Blue, with the Mean of the distribution being the most accurate color representation of the pixel that a camera can produce. If the color inaccuracy exceeds a certain threshold, we will call it "Noise".
If we measure the Noise of a single image, we measure the number of correctly produced pixels, versus the pixels that are incorrectly produced. We must, of course, define what Noise means in an image. In our example, we'll say that pixels of colors that are below 80% accuracy would be considered Noise. If for every 100 pixels there exists 1 pixel of Noise, we would have the SNR of 100:1. This also means that 1% of total pixels are actually Noise.
In the context of an image, I'll refer to noise as Image Noise. Image Noise of an image is relatively stable. The percentage of pixels that are incorrectly produced for a given exposure is roughly constant and does not fluctuate greatly. When considering Image Noise, an exposure can be 100:1 SNR, the next exposure can be 105:1, and the following can be 95:1.
However, if we look at the noise of each pixel, we measure how far is the color away from the actual. For a 100:1 SNR image, 99% of the pixels are actually sufficiently correctly reproduced, while 1% strayed too far from the Mean.
In the context of individual pixels, I'll refer to the noise as Pixel Noise. Pixel Noise can fluctuate greatly. A pixel can have RGB SNR ranging from 100:1 , or 5:1, or even 1:1 accuracy. It is this fluctuation that causes Pixels to contribute to Image Noise.
In order to fix this, we use Image Averaging. If we average every single pixel across 100 exposures of the same angle, we would have a pixel that is 99% accurate to its actual color. By averaging, no pixels would be 100% accurate this way, but pixels that are below 80% accuracy would become extremely rare. The overall Noise is unchanged, but by evening and spreading out the Pixel Noise across all pixels, we effectively reduced the Image Noise of the image.
Let's go through an example of Image Averaging. You can do this with any series of images taken from the same angle. For our purpose, we'll use frames from a video. Here's the set of frames we have, downsized from 720p:
This is the full image of a single frame. Click to open it in a separate page to further inspect it:
After averaging, this is what we got:
Not bad for a zoomed video at 60x huh?
Let's look at another example, at 30x zoom with some contrasting colors:
Notice that you can also have images where the lighting change slightly. It would all even out perfectly.
(There's been some error with the image hosting. I'll host the images once the server is online)
Here's a single shot in full resolution:
And here's the shot after averaging the pixels across 10 shots:
As you can see, the focal blur is better represented and so on.
This concludes this article. I may write another article on how we can do the averaging, especially across hundreds of images.
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