ip nat outside
Next, go into any other interfaces (and sub-interfaces) and type:
ip nat inside
Right now we'll have to create access-lists to identify the networks that are allowed out. In this example, I'm going to deny Host C's network from being NATted, and allow everything else. I'll do this with a standard access-list:
ip access-l standard INSIDE
permit any
Finally, we'll activate the NAT process to translate the addresses specified in the list into the interface address with overload:
ip nat inside source list INSIDE int f0/0 overload
Now let's say I want Host A to be permanently assigned to, and allow it to be accessed from the outside. To do this, simply do a static NAT mapping:
ip nat inside source static
Right now I'll be able to ping by pinging from outside. To specify a port, simply put the "tcp" keyword after static. For example, if I have a web server on Host A, and an email server on Host B, and I want to use the interface IP, then I can use:
ip nat inside source static tcp 80 int f0/0 80
ip nat inside source static tcp 80 int f0/0 25
This is actually what happens when you do port-forwarding on a home router like one from Linksys.
Finally, we'll set up dynamic NAT with overload. Suppose you are given a public IP pool of to We'll first create the pool like this:
ip nat pool OUTSIDE prefix-length 24
Next, we will turn the NAT on like this:
ip nat inside source list INSIDE pool OUTSIDE overload
In this case, the first address is used till a port conflict occurs before it fails over to the second address.
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